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Revision as of 00:24, 15 December 2021


  • Use sudo raspi-config
    • Interfaces
    • SSH


By default, configuration is stored in /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Use RSA Key

It's usually bad to be able to login with a password to a network facing computer, especially if your password is two letters like ours tend to be, so we typically want to disable password access over SSH and instead use RSA keys.

  • On Target Machine - Enable password login via ssh
    • Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config, make sure the following values are set
    ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes
    PasswordAuthentication yes
    UsePAM yes
    • Restart the ssh service
    sudo systemctl restart ssh
  • On Source Machine - Generate an RSA key
    • check if you have an rsa key generated, they usually live in ~/.ssh
    ls -al ~/.ssh
    • if you don't have an rsa key generated, generate a key:
    ssh-keygen -t rsa
    you'll be prompted where to save the key (if you don't have one just leave it in the default location) and whether to use a passphrase. Having a passphrase means you need to type a password every time you want to use your rsa key. up 2 u. without a passphrase the security model is you assume that no one will be able to access your private key file
  • On Source Machine - Install the rsa key
    • Use ssh-copy-id
    ssh-copy-id <user>@<ip or url>
    • If you don't have ssh-copy id...
      • On a Mac:
      Install with homebrew. if you don't have homebrew the install command is
      /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
      then to install ssh-copy id it's
      brew install ssh-copy-id
  • On Target Machine - Disable password login via ssh
    • Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config, make sure the following values are set
    ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
    PasswordAuthentication no
    UsePAM yes
    • Restart the ssh service
    sudo systemctl restart ssh