Tripoke PCB

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Tripoke PCB
Tripoke pcb double.png
Modality Reinforcement
Schematic Type PCB
Description double-PCB that powers three nosepokes worth of RGB LEDs and IR beam break sensors
Creator Jonny Saunders
Version 2
Date 2021-07-07
Git Hash
Used In: Autopilot Tripoke
Tripoke PCB
Manufacturer ExpressPCB
Number of Layers 2
Dimensions (width;height) 3.8" (2.5")

Other Files File:tripoke_pcb_double.rrb
Designed With Program ExpressPCB Classic

This board, along with the Needle Holder, Nosepoke Cap and Tripoke Panel are assembled to make the Autopilot Tripoke. See the Autopilot Tripoke build guide for more information about using this PCB.

It has the rather unfortunate quality of being designed in ExpressPCB's proprietary software and format, but can relatively easily be reconstructed from the images provided.

The schematic as provided makes two boards on a single 3.8" x 2.5" board, which costs $65 for a set of three, each of which has two sub-boards on it -- or each one of the 6 boards costs $10.80.

To separate the boards, use a Dremel with a standard cutoff bit and cut along the center line.

Annotated Schematic

Tripoke pcb double annotated.png

As an overview, the board is intended to distribute the 5V and 3.3V power supplies of the Raspberry Pi 4 to three RGB LEDs and IR beam break sensors, and return the digital logic signal from the beam breaks. A pinout is provided below

  • A 24-pin header is soldered to the top rows of pins, I recommend using an IDE-style connector with eject latches (like the Assman AWH 24G-0222-T) to avoid it being a huge pain to work with.
  • Through-hole resistors are soldered to the board in groups of six for 12 total in the top slots labeled "Resistors". The value of the resistor depends on the particular LEDs and IR beam break sensors you use.
  • Three IR beam break sensors are soldered in the lower groups of five holes, this board in particular was designed for the TT Electronics OPB901L55.


Tripoke gpio pinout-01.png

Pin (board number) Use Poke
1 3.3V
2 5V
7 IR beam break input Left
8 IR beam break input Center
9 Ground
10 IR beam break input Right
11 LED - Red Left
13 LED - Green Left
15 LED - Blue Left
16 LED - Blue Center
17 3.3V
18 LED - Green Center
19 LED - Red Right
20 Ground
21 LED - Green Right
22 LED - Red Center
23 LED - Blue Right