Build Guides

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Build Guide Types

 Has Description
Construction Build GuideGuides for building primarily inert, structural objects
Electronics Build GuideGuides for building electronic components from schematics and off-the-shelf parts

Build Guides

 Has Build Guide TypeModalityHas Description
Assembling the single-poke PCBElectronics Build GuideSensorsThis describes how to assemble the single-poke PCB
Autopilot Behavior BoxConstruction Build GuideEnclosuresA modular box for training mouse-sized animals
Autopilot TripokeElectronics Build GuideEnclosures
A panel of three mouse-sized nosepokes to sense behavioral input, for delivering water reinforcements and, give task feedback via an RGB LED
Multi-Box Gravity-Fed Reward DeliveryConstruction Build GuideReinforcementDelivering water rewards to many boxes with a gravity feed system
Soundproof BoxesConstruction Build GuideAudio
Triple 5V Solenoid BoardElectronics Build GuideReinforcementA hand-soldered board to power three solenoid valves to deliver water rewards to experimental subjects
Wireless Optogenetic IlluminatorElectronics Build GuideIllumination
Wireless, IR triggered Optogenetic Illuminator